About Us
LADYSMITH SEARCH AND RESCUE is a non-profit Society
LADYSMITH SAR: a part of a Great Organization
Ladysmith Search and Rescue Society (LSAR) is represented by the British Columbia Search and Rescue Association
The British Columbia Search and Rescue Association enhances the provision of ground search and rescue services in the province by bringing together all SAR professionals in BC to discuss and resolve issues, by accessing funding for training, providing occupational health and safety support, educating the general public on outdoor safety and acting as a common link to information and resources for Search and Rescue practitioners across British Columbia.email:lsar@ladysmithsearchandrescue.com
Mission and Mandate
The British Columbia Search and Rescue Association was registered in 2002 as a non-profit society and enhances the provision of volunteer search and rescue services in the province by facilitating access to funding, educating the general public on outdoor safety, and providing volunteers with a common link to information and resources. The Board of Directors approved their revised purposes and bylaws in January 2007.
The BC Search and Rescue Association Directors are comprised of search and rescue volunteers from all over the province as well as agency representatives from:
2. Royal Canadian Mounted Police
3. British Columbia Police Association
5. British Columbia Ambulance Service
6. Fire Chiefs’ Association of BC
Together, volunteers and agency representatives make up the Board of Directors for the BCSAR Association.
British Columbia Search and Rescue Association
P.O. Box 2176
Sidney B.C. V8L 3S6
Phone: 778-584-5882
Vancouver Island, BC contains 13 SAR teams divided by 2 Regions. Each region is represented by a BCSARA regional director.
Vancouver Island is comprised of:
These groups are represented by Grant Cromer, Regional Director Vancouver Island North, BCSARA northisl@bcsara.com 250-203-4507
Juan de Fuca Search and Rescue
Peninsula Emergency Measures Organization
Salt Spring Island Search and Rescue
Regional Director Vancouver Island South, BCSARA, southisl@bcsara.com 250-327-8599