Our society is governed by an executive and we hold monthly meetings as required by the regulations of the Society Act of British Columbia. Our financial operations are controlled by the society, which is represented by our 35 members. As a society, we are able to fund-raise and seek donations as a not-for-profit society. We actively pursue BC gaming grants and community funding opportunities, as well as corporate and private donations. All the monies we raise go toward providing training for our members, purchasing equipment or maintaining our equipment and vehicles. Cash and equipment donations are always welcome, and we appreciate every donation greatly.
If you wish to donate to, please send your donation to Ladysmith Search and Rescue, P.O. Box 1808, Ladysmith, BC, Canada V9G 1B4, or contact (250) 734-1897.
BC SAR Groups do not solicit funds by phone
Neither the British Columbia Search and Rescue Society Association, nor the Search and Rescue groups recognized by the Province as part of the Public Safety Lifeline solicit funding by telephone. You can learn more about this policy, and what to do if someone has contacted you by phone claiming to be a SAR group requesting funds here: BCSARA : Telephone Solicitation